FAQs About Visiting Potomac Presbyterian Church
  • What time are your services?

    We meet on Sundays in person and online at 10:00am.

  • Do you have programs for kids and youth?

    Yes! Kids and youth are vital to our community.

    Children Ministries:

    Sunday School for K-5 students takes place during worship. The students start in worship with everyone and are invited up for a discussion with our pastors. Then, they head downstairs with our Sunday School teacher Miss Angela. We also have Children’s Choir after worship from 11:15-12:15.

    Youth Ministry:

    Youth Group meets after worship from 11:15-12:15 to play games, think about the sermon, and get to know one another better. There are varios events throughout the year including Mission Trips, Retreats, Amusement park visits, laser tag, and more!

  • Where do I park?

    Feel free to park anywhere in our church parking lot!

  • How long do services typically last?

    Our worship services typically last for about one hour. Depending on the Sunday, it might be a few minutes less or more.

  • What should I wear?

    Come exactly as you are - don’t dress up or down for anyone. We have congregants who wear suits and congregants in flip flops and t-shirts. It is really up to you!

  • Is your church accessible?

    We have made sure that our building is accessible for people of different abilities. Both of our main entrances are wheel chair accessible and we have a chair lift for our main flight of stairs to get up and down. Please let us know what accomodations you might need.

  • What denomination is the church affiliated with?

    We are part of the PCUSA church. To learn more, visit our beliefs page.

  • Can I watch services online if I can’t attend in person?

    Absolutely! If for any reason you can’t make our in-person service, you can always watch it live or watch it back here on our YouTube or Facebook pages.

  • Can I talk to a pastor?

    If you have any other questions or simply want to talk to a pastor, we’re on the other end of this line and are eager to chat with you.